最南露營區處在風光明媚的台灣南端,離台灣最南點的意象標誌大約六百公尺, 沿岸礁岩生態豐富物種繁多,不過需著礁鞋避免受傷,而且有很多都是保育類動植物,有興趣的朋友請遠觀不要褻玩之。 我們露營區裡面的設施包括:男女廁所、熱水淋浴間、洗手槽,以及大片原始的自然界。露營區裡禁止生火,除非使用架高至少二十公分的烤肉架;如有需要,可以在預約時事先告知露營區服務站,我們提供租借服務。

最南端集體創作行動會是未來最南露營區的一大常態活動。這個活動的目的無非鼓勵創作與同樂分享,而且是基於一個大家都能開心的投入在創作的精神,就像Radiohead的一首歌歌名“Anyone Can Play Guitar"。不管你會不會玩音樂、會不會跳舞、會不會畫畫,請加入我們一起來玩創作吧!

平凡人的藝術駐村 Artists' Camp for Commons

2011年3月28日 星期一
無國界交換社群在春吶 Exchange with no Boundaries at SpringScream
Posted by TC on 15:12
Read more »
活動一 “你情我願” 交換趣
交換原則: 沒有原則、你情我願。
活動二 交換工作坊
流程大概像這樣: 到“交換中心”報名你要教的技能--->決定教學時段(比如說:每天下午 13:00-14:00)--->每天課程結束到“交換中心”選你要換的東西。
活動三 你丟我撿
2011年3月27日 星期日
無國界交換社群,開端 Exchange with no Boundaries, Now and Then
Posted by TC on 18:12
在還沒有貨幣之前,人們都是用“以物易物” 的方式來取得自己所需的東西; 就算在各國建立了自己的貨幣制度後, 古埃及有那麼一段時間依舊固執地使用古老的交 換形式。因為他們知道,一旦有了“錢”來幫所有的東西訂定價值, 所有人的價值觀都會在一夕之間改變。他們知道, 縱使貨幣制度可以促使各地貨物暢通無阻、經 濟蓬勃發展,但最重要的還是“人”。
Before the invention of currency, man used an exchange system to obtain the goods he needed. Just like in ancient Egypt, they knew that in some countries of the world, they still used an exchange system because they knew using money as the measurement of goods would change the conception of value. Even though currency could help the economy to develop, the most important value of life was human interaction.一樣東西,代表著$符號後的某些數字;就算不是全面的獨斷, 那些數字已絕對性的改變人們的思考方式。換句話說, 現在我們所有人,就算在進行交換這個古老的儀式, 也不免算計著自己所擁有的東西, 跟自己換到的東西在市場價值上的差異,而這是必須謹記在心的交換 原則之一:擺脫市場價值給你的制約。--- 交換原則 第一條
In the modern times, we attach a dollar value or number value to all the goods and service exchanges in this society. Exchange Principal 1: Our principal at this trading post is to leave behind your conceptions of market values and instead measure goods with your own values.
In the modern times, we attach a dollar value or number value to all the goods and service exchanges in this society. Exchange Principal 1: Our principal at this trading post is to leave behind your conceptions of market values and instead measure goods with your own values.
在我很小的時候,還未接受正規教育,有一天我問哥哥:“ 為什麼這個世界上所有東西都要用到錢,為什麼不能大家各取所需, 以你自己的勞動來換取自己沒有的東西?”
我傻了,在當時我幼小的腦袋裡, 當然找不出任何我可以在交換的世界存活的本事。
但我想他那句話是錯的。這個世界上不存在著“沒路用”的人, 只有想做跟不想做的人。
長大後,我還是在想著這件事。我知道金錢是很方便的東西, 如果足夠的話,可以立即得到想要的東西。但, 它也是一切浪費的源頭。大家 都想工業化,製造複製大量的東西, 而所有的訊息都在告訴你一件事:”消費“。東西舊了、壞了, 丟了再買新的。反正工廠全年無休,生產線上每天都有以百以千 計的全新商品,等著淘汰那些昨天才上架的東西。 只要在每個月回收大型傢具的日子去街上晃晃, 你就能瞭解有那麼多有用的東西都要被堆在偏遠的垃圾山上。金錢 與使用它的人實際上已經造成地球環境的負擔; 但交換卻能夠讓一樣東西獲得充分的利用, 而且其中還包含著參與交換的人的”情感“ 與交換物更深一層的函意。
所以,開始改變你的消費習慣吧!盡量不要丟棄還能用的東西, 用你自己擁有的東西(可以是實體、 也可以是抽象的概念或某個領域的技術技巧,或你自己的創作, 畫的東西、做的東西、寫的東西、拍的東西),來做交換吧。這是交 換原則第二條:改變你的消費習慣。
When I was a child, before I received my formal education, I asked my older brother why we always had to pay money for things at the market, why couldn't we just exchange items? He told me that useless people like me who were so young were unable to offer things to society to exchange. He told me that I knew nothing and couldn't exchange things with others instead of using money. But I think that no one in the world is useless. There are only people who act and people that don't choose to act.
After I grew up I still thought about this. I know it's very convenient to have money, because you can buy anything you want when you have a lot of money, but it's also a big source of waste. We buy things we don't need then throw them away. After industrialization we can create hundreds and thousands of products in a day and they all want the society to consume, dispose and buy a new product. You can see that once a month on the furniture recycling day, that thousands of products which are still useful are disposed of. Money has created a heavy burden on the earth, depleting resources and filling up landfills. However, with exchange, we can find a way to re-use items and reduce the amount of waste that is created, as well as limit the amount of resource depletion through new product consumption.
Exchange principal 2: start changing your consumption behavior! Try not to throw away things that are still usable. Use your belongings or things you have made to exchange. (This could be a good or an abstract idea, a skill or technique in a certain field, or your own creation, things you made, things your wrote, things you took pictures of.)
When I was a child, before I received my formal education, I asked my older brother why we always had to pay money for things at the market, why couldn't we just exchange items? He told me that useless people like me who were so young were unable to offer things to society to exchange. He told me that I knew nothing and couldn't exchange things with others instead of using money. But I think that no one in the world is useless. There are only people who act and people that don't choose to act.
After I grew up I still thought about this. I know it's very convenient to have money, because you can buy anything you want when you have a lot of money, but it's also a big source of waste. We buy things we don't need then throw them away. After industrialization we can create hundreds and thousands of products in a day and they all want the society to consume, dispose and buy a new product. You can see that once a month on the furniture recycling day, that thousands of products which are still useful are disposed of. Money has created a heavy burden on the earth, depleting resources and filling up landfills. However, with exchange, we can find a way to re-use items and reduce the amount of waste that is created, as well as limit the amount of resource depletion through new product consumption.
Exchange principal 2: start changing your consumption behavior! Try not to throw away things that are still usable. Use your belongings or things you have made to exchange. (This could be a good or an abstract idea, a skill or technique in a certain field, or your own creation, things you made, things your wrote, things you took pictures of.)
Money + human beings = the foe of resource distribution.
在資本的社會裡面,貧富之間的鴻溝是永遠永遠都無法消弭的, 因為政府跟財團是唇齒相依的關係。 社會上極少數的人聚集了大多數的財 富,大多數的人每天辛苦工作八小時十小時,只能求得三餐無虞。 沒有人能夠改變這個事實, 一百個人中有九十九個人注定要在這樣的制度裡過著庸庸碌碌的一生 。 賺錢求生變成最必要的事,我們必須這樣做沒錯, 但難道不能有別的選擇嗎?
In a capitalist society the gap between rich and poor can never be narrowed or filled because the government and financial groups or corporations are interlaced and closely related. The small minority of the wealthiest people gather the majority of a country's fortunes. The majority of the population has to labor an upwards of 8 to 10 hours a day just to get by and feed themselves. No one is able to change this fact. 99% of people are destined to lead a very busy and mundane life. Earning money to make a living becomes the most important thing in our life. It's true, we have to do this, but could there be an alternative option?
不知道你們能不能接受這個極端的觀念---一個沒有錢的世界。 當然這是終極的目標,甚至在大家有生之年都不會實現, 或在多年後被人遺忘。但沒關係,”無國界交換社群“ 現階段的目標是提供一個另類的交易管道,以交換來獲取所需。 我們正在台灣最南點進行這個實驗, 希望能透過交換來達成自給自足的生活。現在只是初步階段, 我們依舊在服務站賣東西度三餐,但希望有更多的人知道, 一起來進行交換讓這個實驗能往好的方向進行下去。
I don't know if you can accept this kind of extreme idea, a world without money. Of course this is the ultimate goal. And we couldn't see this massive change in our lifetime, and this type of society would be forgotten after many years. But that's alright, Exchange Without Boundaries' current goal is to offer an alternative trade channel, using exchange as a means to obtain your needs. We are having this experiment at the Southern Most Point of Taiwan, and we hope to lead a sustainable life through this exchange practice. This is only the beginning, we are still selling things at the info booth to be able to get by buying rice, food, and electricity. We hope there are more people willing to participate in this experiment with us so that it will grow and continue to move in the right direction.
笑話一則: ”我有一個夢“,但我不是金恩博士。
A joke: "I have a dream", but I am not Dr King.
”無國界交換社群“旨在為所有地球人建立一個交換的平台, 你可以在這邊提出你要換的東西與想換到的東西,沒錯,即日起。
Exchange Without Boundaries aims to provide the people of the world with a platform to exchange. You can offer what you would like to exchange and what you would like to exchange it for. That's right, it starts now.
Exchange Without Boundaries will become Micro-nations Exchange United.
Exchange Without Boundaries will become Micro-nations Exchange United.
”無國界交換社群“要讓世界每個角落都知道交換的好, 多年後的發展可能會是”微國家交換聯合“(請參考 行人出版 ”微國家: 獨立建國簡易操作手冊“,我們有,可交換)。首先, 那個世界會是這樣的:在大家的積極參與下, 我們在世界各地建立一個個實體交換社群(當然,網路虛擬的社 群會先產生)。有一天,你用一些東西換到了一張往挪威的機票, 於是你連絡上當地的交換社群,希望能過去拜訪。 你得知了一些有關當地交換的資料,決定以工作 交換的形式換取你在挪威的吃住。旅居挪威的時候, 你隨手寫了一則關於當地交換社群的現況與分析,一位居民讀後, 大為讚賞,於是她拿了一件自裁的手染衣跟你 交換那則文章。
Exchange Without Boundaries wants to let every corner of the world know about the advantages of exchange. After years of development it can become Micro-nation Exchange United. At first the world will be like this: with everyone's active participation, we have exchange communities all around the world. (Of course the virtual communities will arise at first.) One day you obtain a ticket to Norway through exchange, and you contact the local exchange communities and hope to pay them a visit. You get some information about them, their exchange community and decide to stay there through work exchange. While traveling in Norway, you write an article about their situation and society, and a local resident reads it. She admires the article and uses her hand-made, natural dyed shirt in exchange for that article.
這個目標是一件大工程,如一位友人說的: 我希望走到哪裡都能交換。
This goal is a very big construction. One of my friends said, "I hope I can do exchange everywhere, walk down the street and exchange with anyone."
交換原則第三條 <---(這件事基本上是一個諷刺的笑話)
Exchange Principal 3: (Actually this is an ironic joke.)
No Principal!
所以,交換的東西也就沒有限制。每樣東西、 每個想法都可以拿來交換。
Exchange doesn't have to follow specific rules, the most important thing is a willingness to exchange.
前陣子看到新聞報導,無米樂的昆濱伯說:“ 現在8斤稻連一包煙都換不起啊!”
Recently I saw a news report, one of the farmers in the film, "Happy Rice" said, "I cannot even exchange 8 catty of rice for a pack of cigarettes!"
Let's make a change in this world, with hope that the market system no longer devastates our life.
Let's make a change in this world, with hope that the market system no longer devastates our life.
2011年3月18日 星期五
Posted by 黃來福 on 13:03

鮮奶茶(冰/熱) 50
茉莉花茶 30
水果茶(壺/杯) 80/30
烏龍茶(壺) 100
桂圓紅棗薑母茶 50( 熱)
柴香冬瓜茶 30