2010年11月24日 星期三

野營守則 Rules

1.本營區為一個大型的野外生態區,請隨時確認帳篷拉鍊保持緊閉,並且穿著具有保護作用的鞋子和長褲;如果你看到任何野外動植物或昆蟲, 請勿驚擾並繞路而行,可能會有危險的如蛇類、蜈蚣、螞蟻、荊棘類…等等. 如果你真的受傷或被攻擊, 請別忘了首先要儘可能的識別使你受傷的生物外觀顏色、外表或花紋,如果有相機的話請儘可能拍下該生物的照片,以便到時能在醫院得到最正確快速的診治,有交通工具的話請儘速自行到恒春醫院就醫,如果沒有的話應儘速打119急救電話,救護車才能第一時間確認你的位置並接送你到醫院;請記住所有人都應該保持冷靜,我們也將儘可能提供協助。(恒春醫院地址:屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路188號/電話:08-889-4053)The campground is a wild life area, please make sure the tents are shut at any time, and wear protective shoes and long pants; if you see any wild animals or insects, do not disturb them and make a detour. Snakes, centipedes, ants, thistles and thorns…etc. are commonly seen in the campground. If you are bitten by a snake or centipede, stay calm, try to get a good look or a picture at the colors and patterns of the animal so it can be identified for anti-venom.Ask someone to bring you to the hospital in Hengchun next to the East Gate as soon as possible.If you don't have any transportation, call “119” for an ambulance. We will do our best to assist you. Remember everyone should stay calm especially the one who is bitten. (Hengchun hospital - No.188, Hengnan Rd., Hengchun Township, Pingtung County / TEL: 08-889-4053)

2.為了對營區內原有保育生物等影響降至最低,露營區晚上沒有燈,禁止使用收音機、音響設備及大型燈光效果設備,除非你已經事先有做好特殊預約及規劃;我們鼓勵不插電的音樂演奏(像是木吉他或手鼓等)。In order to minimize the impact on the wild lives, there is no lights in the campground. Unless you have plans in detail and have made a special request, radios, sound systems and lighting equipment are prohibited. We encourage unplugged music, such as acoustic guitar, hand drums and so on.

3.請隨身攜帶許可證及身分證明文件,以備隨時接受國家公園管理處、國家公園警察隊檢查及海巡人員檢查。營區外海岸線非本營區所有,是為危險海域,禁止入內。Please keep your ID with you, the national park police and the coast guard staff might check your identification.

4.禁止就地生火、使用火把或燃放鞭炮,營區內唯一許可用火的活動只有烤肉,但必須使用架離地面至少20公分以上的烤肉架。No fire, torch or fireworks are allowed in the campground. The only activity that could use fire is barbecue, but the grill has to be at least 20 meters high above the ground.

5.禁止隨意亂丟垃圾,敬請共同維護營區內整潔,愛惜公物節約用水,並配合垃圾分類。No littering. Please keep the area clean, be conservative of the water, and think of sorting garbage before throwing them out.

6.禁止攜帶及使用違禁品(如:刀/槍械/毒品)。Do not bring or use any prohibited articles (e.g.: guns/drugs).

7.禁止毁損營區內所有設備及濫砍樹木,違者需賠償相關損失Do not spoil any campground facilities including cutting trees, the offender will have to indemnify all the loss.

8.除學術機關因研究需要而採集標本且經墾管處核准,嚴禁有騷擾、捕、獵殺野生動物之行為。Except for academic needs and permitted by Kenting National Park Administrative Office, any behavior relating to harassing, hunting or killing is prohibited.

9.有颱風警報發佈、火災或其它突發事件時,服務處得另行發佈緊急措施禁止人員進入。If there is a warning for typhoon, fire or other accidents being issued, the campground office has the right to prohibit people from coming in the campground.

10.非預約登記入營許可者不得進入及留宿本營區內。People without making any reservation are not allowed to enter or stay over night in the campground.

*以上事項敬請配合,違者本管理處得取消露營資格,依法究辦Please be cooperative with the announcements above, the campground office keep the right to disqualify the offenders and take the legal action.

1 意見:

Unknown 提到...

hi :
I want booking 8/13 1 camping position . my phone was 0932167675 Jeffrey
