"Hey, are you going to the ASS ASS AF AF", " Are you kidding me? Of course I'm going to the ASS ASS AF AF, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard@!@"
Oh well, what exactly is this ASS ASS AF AF? Sounds like some stupid org.
It's Spring Scream Flour Fight!!! but it might be a different kind of fights from what you're thinking right now. We fight the flour. We punch it, smash it, stretch it, thrash it, squeeze it, hammer it just to get it right to BAKE!!!!
This year we are going to have a wood-fired pizza oven at Spring Scream, and which means you might want to bring some flour and the special ingredients for your handmade bakery at the south point campground!
Ask our staff to know more about the specific time to cook. And remember, any food produced by the south point oven cannot be traded for money, but we encourage you to trade for other food, drinks, a joke, a lesson, a piece of art work...ect., or you can also go to the Trading Post (probably by the info booth) to see if there is anything you can trade with your handmade bakery.
2012年3月5日 星期一
麵粉大戰 Flour Fight
Posted by TC on 23:00
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